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Tylenol Recall
Motrin Recall

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FDA Science & Mission Risk

FDA Stevens Johnson Syndrome Ibuprofen Citizen Petition

FDA Recommended Changes to the Ibuprofin/Motrin Labels

Motrin Prescription Label Never Published by McNeil or J&J

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Report adverse events to FDA's MedWatch reporting system by completing a form on line at FDA's MedWatch
Faxing (1-800-FDA-0178) Mail using the postage-paid address form provided on line (5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20853-9787) Telephone (1-800-FDA-1088)

drug side effects
Preventable Adverse Drug Reactions

Over 2 MILLION serious ADRs yearly

100,000 DEATHS yearly

ADRs 4th leading cause of death ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents and automobile deaths

Nursing home patients

ADR rate 350,000 yearly

Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 2000

Stevens-Johnson Info:

Side Effects

IV Immunoglobulin

Keith Jensen obtained the largest verdict in NH history and that case is before the U.S. Supreme Court

March 22, 2013, 4:30 p.m. ET

Accountability for Generic Drugs

The ability for consumers to hold manufacturers accountable in court improves product safety. The March 19 op-ed by Tevi Troy, "The Best Prescription for Pre-Emption," completely ignores the fact that sulindac was an unsafe drug. Mutual Pharmaceuticals' legal responsibility is in question because the drug it produced that injured Karen Bartlett was a generic, not a brand name drug.

Accountability motivates drug makers to both produce safe products and monitor for new side effects after their drugs are approved and enter the marketplace. Generics make up 80% of the prescription drug market, and yet cannot be held responsible and are not subject to the same safety requirements as brand-name manufacturers.
The Food and Drug Administration does not do its own testing of drugs, but instead approves drugs based on the studies the manufacturer supplies to the FDA.
Both generic and brand-drug manufacturers should have the same responsibility to monitor the safety and disclose information about the risks of their drugs.
Mary Alice McLarty
President, American Association for Justice

Video Tylenol
Motrin Recall

Side Effects

Other Drugs

Drug Reference

Drug Side Effects

Adverse Drug Event

Motrin can cause SJS & TEN, which can cause blindness, kidney failure, and death. What McNeil & J&J Have Never Told Parents.

Tylenol Liver Damage

TEN in a Child

Can Cause Death
FDA & Tylenol



Stevens Johnson Syndrome